LEDinside「Micro LED前瞻技术」论文征稿评选活动开跑
2018-07-1317:01:40[编辑: Andygui]

「Micro LED前瞻技术」论文征稿评选活动,摘述如下,欢迎有兴趣的公司集团以及学术机构踊跃报名参加

♦ 征稿期程: 2018.6.6~2018.9.30
♦ 公布得奖名单及时间: 2018.10.30

[I] 征稿目的/主题:

Micro LED 被誉为是下一世代最重要的显示技术之一,全球调研机构 LEDinside 自举办全球首次 Micro LED 论坛后,有感于全球相关新技术、新创公司不断冒出头来,但却缺乏相关的宣传管道于技术,因此特地举办本次的 Micro LED 论文征集活动,对象针对全球的 Micro LED 上中下游公司,于10月30日在产业研究机构LEDinside曝光,希望能藉此协助增进 Micro LED 产业的发展。

只要你有任何与 Micro LED 产业相关的新技术、新专利,欢迎公司、学校、法人都可以参与我们的论文摘要征稿活动,让我们协助各位能够宣传自己的新技术与专利。

[II] 征稿对象:

[1] 产业界: 全球 LED产业、半导体产业、显示器产业之上中下游相关厂商。
[2] 学术机构: 全球各大专院校及政府相关研究机构。

[III] 征稿期程: 2018.6.6~2018.9.30

[IV] 奖励办法:

[1] 公布得奖名单及时间: 2018.10.30
[2] 奖项说明

[V] 评选单位:

[1] 台湾工研院CIMS联盟
[2] 台湾交通大学光电研究所

[VI] 评选方式:

[1]主题契合、信息正确: 20%
[2]技术的原创性: 40%
[3]未来发展性: 40%

[VII] 投稿格式:

[1] 撰写方式: 以英文撰写,A4页面大小、字体 (Times New Roman) 大小12,字数于 1000 至 1500 英文字,图片5张以内

[2] 寄送方式: 请转成PDF档,档案大小不超过2MB,寄送至 : GraceLi@trendforce.com; JoanneWu@trendforce.com。信件主旨: 「Micro LED 前瞻技术论文征选活动」

[3] 撰写格式内容如下:

[a] 主题摘要说明
[b] 核心价值说明
[c] 详述内容
[d] 结论

[VIII] 报名方式与注意事项:

[1] 投稿人投稿时应检附论文摘要投稿资料表、论文授权协议书,请点击连结网址下载:投稿资料表论文授权同意书
[2] 投稿内容请以PDF 格式投稿,档案大小不超过2MB
[3] 得奖名单将会公告在网页上。LEDinside仅会主动通知得奖人员。包括第一,第二,第三名,以及优选名单。其余未得奖的投稿者将不会逐一通知。
[4] 稿件若引用他人之著作时需注明出处来源,请符合相关国际上通用之著作权准则,若有相关专利或著作权侵犯事项,本单位概不负责。

[IX] LEDinside联络方式:

[X] 评委介绍:

Dr. Y. H. FANG received his PHD degree (2008) at National Taiwan University. He has been in ITRI since 2008. In this period, he focused on the topic of GaN substrate growth / UV LED on GaN substrate / GaN on Si for power device. For now, he is in charge of micro-LED team in ITRI and focusing on the technology of micro-LED from epitaxy, micro-chip process, mass transfer, high speed inspection, and system design. The micro-LED team led by him is building up the micro-LED platform applied for signage and AR application.

Professor Kuo has held a post in National Chiao Tung University for over 18 years and has been a professor in Department of Photonic and Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering, where he was a Chairman and Director (Aug. 2009-Feb. 2011). He has also established the first GaN LED/laser graduate curriculum. Besides, Prof. Kuo was elected as the Secretary of IEEE/Photonics Taipei Chapter (2008-2010), the Vice Chair (2010-2012) and the Chair of IEEE/Photonics Taipei Chapter (since 2012). He is also the technical program committee of several major technical conferences, including IEEE, the Optical Society of America (OSA), the SPIE, and the American Physical Society (APS).

Prof. Kuo was the recipient of The Optical Engineering Society of Taiwan (SPIE Taipei Chapter) – Young Researcher Award in 2007. National Science Council of Taiwan- Dr. Ta-You Wu Award (Young Investigator Award, top 1% Young Researcher) in 2007. Faculty Research Award of National Chiao-Tung University in 2010, 2011. Micro-optics Conference (MOC) Contribution Award-10th MOC Program Committee Chairman (2011). OSA Fellow (2012) IET Fellow (2012) SPIE Fellow (2013).
